
...A little R & R...Part I...

...Giunta is currently driving around Iraq and I am stuck back in Kuwait waiting to get on a few more missions before we go home for good. There are a few new written entries that are ready to go up, but until that can happen Giunta needs to type them up. So until then, here are some photos.

...oh and for you camera geeks out there, all of this was shot with a Canon s90. I was too lazy to carry around anything that wouldn't fit in my pocket, so forgive the lack of pin-point sharpness.

- The Exodus


...And We Are Back...

...stay tuned for more...

- The Exodus



...this blog will be on a temporary hiatus for the next two weeks as we roam around Brooklyn and Manhattan. We will return to the sandbox and have this thing up and running again.

In other news, if you see a sept. 6th issue of Newsweek pick it up. If you look hard enough, you will find a photo of mine in there.

The Exodus